Thursday, March 19, 2009

TUSC EU Edition PART 1

I could go one for days with images from this trip. "Unfortunately" I have been stuck here studying in Rome this semester...where there is no snow. But I managed to make the 10 hour bus ride to Cervina, Italy. The resort borders Switzerland and Italy, and for 10 euros (about $13) more you can ride in both countries. For the days we were there, the swiss side was shut down due to high winds and avalanche warnings which were at 4 out of 5 on the Italy side too. As for the riders, these people are lame as hell. Almost no one boards, everyone is wearing skin tight gear, and from what I saw no one knows how to throw down. So much opportunity and I saw no one taking advantage of it. The back country was incredible. 3-4ft of fresh powder everywhere. Cliffs and natural hits all over the place. I recommend this trip to everyone who has the chance to take it. The season is pretty much year round, and a plane ticket will run you around $600. The lift tickets are the same as home and you can ride for weeks without ever touching the whole mountain. TUSC owns the alps SON!...



stellardraz said...

Well Done kid.

Temple University Snowboarding Club said...

he's got the most cultured TUSC hoodie in existence. What countries has that sucker been to?