Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rome Came, They Saw.... TUSC Conquered!!!

For those of you lucky enough to be on the east coast this winter and experience snowmaggedon in Philly... Well, I feel bad for you if you weren't hanging out in Philly with us, the Temple Snowboard Club. We won the 1st Annual Ima Betta Jibba Contest brought to by Rome Snowboards!!! The crew came down with some heavy hitters: Rome pro- Will Lavigne, Marketing Direct- Ron Faverty, John Cavan- Lead Director of the Shred Remains, and Photographer Oli Croteau who shoots a lot of photos for Snowboard Canada Magazine. They couldn't have picked a better time to come down as classes were canceled both days they were all here. 1st time that's happened in like 25 years or something... CHECK IT OUT!!!

Rome Snowboards: Ima Betta Jibba TUSC Trip from KIDS ON SHRED PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo.

Huge thanks to Rome Snowboards for recognizing what snowboarding is all about... FUNNNN!!!

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